What We Believe 

 *We believe there is one God who exists eternally and equally in three persons:   God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 

 *We believe in the absolute deity of Christ, that He was virgin born, was fully God and fully man, lived a sinless life, died in our place as full payment for our sins, was buried and bodily arose from the grave on the third day and ascended back to heaven to take His place at the Fathers right hand where He now intercedes for His children.

*We believe that the Holy Spirit is the third member of the Godhead, who convicts sinners, corrects and comforts believers, judges the world of sinfulness and empowers believers to live holy and righteously.

*We believe that man is totally depraved, with a fallen will and is a sinner in nature, practice and choice, unable to come to God without the drawing of the Holy Spirit.

*We believe that salvation is the sole work of God, beginning in heaven and not in man, is offered as a free gift of grace that must be received by faith. 

*We believe that the Bible is the eternal Word of God, without any error, breathed out by God on purpose to communicate and reveal Himself to man, is the authority and rule of faith in the life of believers. 

*We believe in the visible, personal, pre-millennial return of Christ to earth. 

*We believe in the local church and that it is a body of scripturally baptized believers, who recognize Christ as the Head of the church. 

*We believe in eternal salvation and that once saved, a person is secure and kept by the power of God and will seek to live as God pleases.